Guest Writing

Alexis enjoys writing devotionals for various blogs and published collections. Some are ongoing while others are one-time, but each devotional reflects a piece of her heart on the page. You can find links to these below.


Find online devotionals written by Alexis below.

Salt + Sparrow

"King of Kings: Our Eternal Royal Family"

The Dawn App

"Enduring love: Receiving what cannot be earned"

The Love Offering

Devotional Books

Find printed devotionals from Alexis in the books listed below published by Pacific Press.

"He Knows My Name"

"New Every Morning"

"Covered and Carried"

"Color My World with Love"

"I Am Loved"

"In His Presence"

"Notes of Joy"

Listen Here

Listen to Alexis share her devotionals on podcasts, Crosswalk devotionals, and other Christian faith-based media outlets by clicking the icons below.